Top of the issues that a lot of my clients’ face is indecisiveness, peoples inability to make decisions is really having such a negative affect on them. Indecision can negatively affect not only your career, but also your relationships, physical and mental health, and a host of other areas in your life. It can lead to stress, anxiety and even depression. By being indecisive you cannot grow and in turn will miss out on amazing opportunities. Read on for my 3 STEPS to help you master you decision making
You cannot make progress without making decisions
Jim Rohn
I firmly believe this is a skill that you can work on and master.
Quick and determined decision making will improve every aspect of your life, personal and professional – everything comes down to a decision, it is a simple act – deciding to do it or not to/ to say yes or no. Why then, do we find decision making so hard?
Indecisiveness is the number one reason for failure.
Farshad Asl
Research has shown that we make approximately 35,000 decisions every day, we make a lot of decisions without being aware we make them at all. This tells us that we all have a strong decision making mind working away for you (always remember that). But what happens when we get stuck and spend ages trying to decide what to do?
When it comes to making business decisions, there are many available tools out there, however for this exercise I want to look at how we as individuals can make decisions and stick to them and how this in turn will help us reach our goals, lead to a more fulfilling and happy life without second guessing everything we do. By practising our decision making on a daily basis it will become more natural to you and you will see a huge difference in all areas of your life.
I mentioned earlier, make decisions quickly and be slow to change it. It sounds, easy, but how do we make the initial decision?
Forget the fear, if you can’t make a decision there is a good chance you are afraid of something. Learn to trust yourself. Remember you already make 35,000 decisions each and every day without thinking.
Making a big life change is pretty scary. But, know what’s even scarier? Regret…
Zig Ziglar
Initially to “learn” how to make good decision, it will take time to get to know how you “feel” about each one.
Here is an exercise that you can start working on now; it will take 10 mins to go through this exercise the first time (and maybe even the first few times), the more you do it, the easy it will get and eventually it will become second nature to you. Three steps to get you started.
Step 1 – Think back to a time where you made a really good decision and ask yourself;
- How did you feel about it?
- Where were you?
- What did you do?
- What was the result.
Sit with this feeling for 5 mins and remember what it feels like.
Step 2 – Now, think back to a time where you made a decision that you were unhappy with or regretted, ask yourself those same questions.
- How did you feel about it?
- Where were you?
- What did you do?
- What was the result.
Sit with this feeling for 5 mins and remember what it feels like.
What do you notice about both of these scenarios? There is a big difference internally to how you “feel” about each one? Think about these feelings. There is always a good feeling and a bad feeling, We are chasing the “good” feeling all the time. By making the decisions that make you feel “good” you know you are picking the right decision.
Step 3 – Now put this into practice
Imagine you now must make a decision. This might be a simple one, will I stay in tonight or will I go out? Will I relax or will I go to the gym? Will I work from home today or will I go to the office?
Now think about this decision; Close your eyes, sit in a relaxed state and just think about it. How will it “feel” if you do it? How will it “feel” if you don’t do it? Ask yourself, how will I feel when I make the decision? Keep practising this over the next week until you can pick up on those feelings quicker each time.
Remember, we are looking for the feeling that will make you feel “good” all the time. This will lead you in the right direction, all the time, every time. You are chasing that feeling.
Some people say the feel it in their “gut” and this is the case for a lot of people. Some not, what every way you feel it, know that this is right for you.
Keep practising on the small stuff and then when it comes to bigger decisions, you will have the tools mastered and in place to make those bigger decisions.
After making a true decision, especially the tough ones, we usually feel a tremendous burden has been lifted from our shoulders