On Your Terms | Season 2 | Episode 6 – Lisa Stevenson | ThinkCalm BeCalm

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Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/foxannemarie/

Twitter https://twitter.com/AnneMarie_FoxLisa started out her career as a nurse a job she was really good at and passionate about, however after it started affecting her health, she knew she needed to make changes. Here is her story of first becoming a holistic therapist and this year publishing her first book, a mindfulness & gratitude activity book for children (My Happy Mind Journal; links below). She is extremely happy and positive about all the changes she has made in her life.




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#childrensmentalhealthmatters #mindfulness #activityjournal #childrensmentalhealth #myhappymind #thinkcalmbecalm #children #supportsmallbusinesses #meditation #funactivities #onyourterms #podcast #positivity #girlboss #careerchange #femaleentrepreneur #womenempowerment #motivation #bosslady #inspiration #entrepreneurlife #business #entrepreneur #womeninbusiness #goals #careercoach #careercoaching #lifecoach #lifecoaching #careerdevelopment #careerchange #newventure #lifestyle #choices #girlbosslife #entrepreneurinspiration #entrepreneurher #entrepreneurgoals #beyourownboss #businesscoach #businessowner #createyourlife #femaleentrepreneur #goalsetting #goodlife #makeithappen #personaldevelopment

Anne-Marie Fox Consulting – AMFConsulting.ie – annemarie@amfconsulting.ie

Career Coach – Life Coach – Executive Coach

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